​​WAIOURU 2017


Reunion 2017 held in Waiouru from April 21 – 25 was well attended (seated for the “Dinner” 240 pers)
many being Aussies (6RAR). A varied programme; cultural experience, indoor range electronic shoot,
visit to the training area, visit to the Museum, ANZAC parades with the locals (both Dawn and Civic)
and much appreciated by all who attended. Beyond our expectations.


To host the 2017 Reunion on a significant occasion, at an affordable cost to all members,
and able to reciprocate the 6 RAR 50th Birthday visit of 2015.


The 2015 Reunion committee continued to operate (with a few ringins), as no other group had
volunteered to host the 2017 Reunion. Under a controversial outset, because of the ANZAC Day
commemorations being so close, Reunion Waiouru went ahead.

A number of Meetings were had with Waiouru Command, namely Pat Hibbs and Bukit Hill.
These were well attended by Gordon Nairn, Sony Hona, Mike Pehi, John White and self.

Gordon Nairn, Secretary / Treasurer, saw to all the communications and administration, many times via
Dicko for distributing info and updates. He was coordinator for accommodation rationing and the Museum.

Mike Pehi, Cultural Advisor, and Bus Coordinator, dealt with the Waiouru Marae and Marae experience.
There was an incident where Pete Rauhihi’s sister brought a photo of Pete to be hung at the Marae
(Kawe mate) which we overlooked. No reflection on Mike, it wasn’t brought to his attention till it happened.

John White, Spiritual Advisor, organised the Unit Church Service with the help of the local Minister
and officiated at the required occasions, meals and Meetings. The Runanga o Ngati Manawa
gave a koha / paid for the coloured Church Service Booklet.

Sony Hona, Storeman, Leader of the band (20 piece band), Parade Commander (Dawn Service)
and MC at the Dinner. He wore a lot of hats but forgot his Beret for the Parade.

Admin and Log

Attendance was 31 V4 personnel plus wives/ partners and children and grandchildren;
5 x extended whanau incl Pam Terry, Pete Rauhihi’s sister; about 80 x Aussies.

The last meeting has been held, most of the bills have been paid. A copy of the Financial Report is available on request.
We have basically broken even with some wine still in stock, yours at your request. Made some profit on memorabilia sales.

From our perspective a very memorable, well attended and enjoyed by all Reunion.

Conclusion / Look Forward

This is the first of a tripfecta, Waiouru down, Burnham next. We have a number of volunteers (9) 3 x South Island;
2 x Palmerston North; 1 x Tauranga; 1 x Murupara; 1 x Auckland for Reunion 2019.  Planning has already begun,
the details to be revealed once the Committee is officially formed.

Before we even go into costs and distance, you will make it there if you really want to.

Andrew Peters
V4 Reunion Waiouru 2017

Before you view these images, I would like to thank Bev and Pete Ramsay for taking these great photos at the reunion.

Also, a special thanks to their daughter Natassja Hannay for setting them out in a format and the 8 categories as you will see.


V4 Webmaster

Note; 1. Select a category, click on it, then scroll down.

                2. Theses images may be downloaded for your use.